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Credit (often abbreviated as 'C') is the core currency of E-Hentai. It is easily converted to the other two types and can be sent to other users at no cost. It has the most uses and sources of all currencies and is the only usable one inside the HentaiVerse.

Sources And Uses

Activity Earns Uses
Killing monsters in the HentaiVerse
(~20% chance per monster; amount modified by difficulty setting and battle mode, not affected by levels)
Clearing Arena and Ring of Blood challenges
Selling / Buying Items or Equipment in the Bazaar
Using MoogleMail; 10 per message sent
(Can be removed via the Postage Paid Hath Perk)
CoD-ing via MoogleMail
(10% fee, capped at 1k; nullified by the Postage Paid Hath Perk)
E-Hentai Galleries
Claiming / Creating bounties
(Claims require a 1,000C deposit refunded on success)
Downloading archives or owning galleries that have their archives downloaded
(Downloading will only use credits at a 1:1 rate in cases of insufficient GP; for receiving the amount is 25% of the cost)
Selling / Buying GP on the GP Exchange
Selling / Buying Hath on the Hath Exchange
Transferred from / to other users via MoogleMail
Received every Dawn of a New Day
Making a monetary donation to the site; Adopting a server; Earning certain awards
Transferred from a finished Isekai season

Credit Log

An example of the log's contents.

The Credit Log lists all of a user's credit income, spending activities, and refunds over the last 30 days. This includes all attachments and receptions of credits through MoogleMail, manual transactions done in the HentaiVerse, automatic purchases done by the Item Bot, etc. The Dawn event and transactions within Isekai are the only factors excluded.

HentaiVerse Navigation
Character Menu StatsTrainingSettingsPersonaIsekai
Abilities SkillsSpells (Spell Damage‎)Spirit Stance
Levels Experience PointsLeveling UpRanksLevel and Rank Table
Info. Action SpeedOverchargeProficienciesStamina
Services Bazaar Equipment ShopItem ShopMonster Lab (Monster Stats)ShrineMoogleMailThe LotteryThe Market
The Forge RepairUpgradeEnchantSalvageReforgeSoulFuse
Items Drops Loot Drop RollsObsolete Items
Equipment Equipment BasicsDetailed Equip CharacteristicsWeapon ProcsStatsBurdenInterferenceEquipment RangesLevel Scaling
Battles Modes ArenaGrindfestItem WorldRandom EncounterRing of BloodThe Tower
Info. BestiaryDamage TypesDamage (Physical Damage)Enemy ProcsRiddleMaster
Isekai The Tower RankingRewards
Info. SeasonsRewardsRules
Misc. Currency CreditsGallery PointsHathHath Perks
Strategy Play StylesAdviceAdvanced Advice
System Dawn of a New DayBugsTechnical IssuesFAQHotkeysScripts & Tools
E-Hentai Galleries Navigation
Finding Gallery SearchingBounty SystemFavoritesMaking Requests
Directory AnthologiesArtist Recommendations
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User Actions Tagging Fetish ListingKnow The DifferenceMechanics (Namespaces, Tag Creation)My TagsNew Tags
Other CommentingExpungingMod PowerRatingRenamingReporting
Rewards CreditsGallery PointsHath PerksToplists
Viewing Lo-FiMulti-Page Viewer
System APIBansFAQMy HomeTechnical Issues