Expunging allows users to remove galleries from the default listing and searches. This is typically done because of duplicate or replaced content.
Additional rulings and clarifications can be found on the talk page.
How To
Expunging a gallery is handled via a petitioning system. Each gallery has a "Petition to Expunge" link on the right side above the images. Any user with mod power 5 or above may start a gallery expunge. Otherwise, this forum thread can be used to ask for an expunge to be created on your behalf.
The "Petition to Expunge" link will replace the gallery's image section with a list of reasons a gallery can be expunged. An explanation for the expunge must be provided in the input boxes by the user who files an expunge petition, and in most cases an URL of the valid gallery should be provided.
Once a petition is created, subsequent users with a mod power of at least 2 may vote for or against the petition. These subsequent votes do not require a reason for voting, but one may be optionally provided. Votes for the petition add to the petition score, votes against reduce the score. A user's mod power will determine how much their vote will contribute (capped at 30; 40 for base bonus users).
In order for the gallery to be expunged a petition must reach a score of 100 and then remain there for 15 minutes, once that happens the petition becomes ACTIVE and the gallery is expunged. A petition may have a score above 100, protecting it from 'against' votes for the required period of 15 minutes.
A gallery may have multiple independent petitions active at the same time. In the event that one petition becomes ACTIVE all other petitions on the gallery are deleted.
Petitions left incomplete for more than 7 days are automatically cleared.
Appeal an Incorrect Expunge
In the event an expunge was carried out incorrectly, the expunge can be appealed. Within the first 7 days of the expunge any user with 10 or more mod power can create an appeal petition. Only veto holders may create an appeal after this time.
Similar to expunge petitions, users may vote for or against an appeal with an optional comment. If the appeal petition surpasses a sum of votes of 100 or more for 15 minutes the expunge will be revoked and the gallery will be restored.
After a successful expunge appeal only veto holders may start a further expunge petition on that gallery.
Users who participated in the original expunge petition may not participate in voting on an appeal petition, aside from creating them if they realize it was incorrect.
Before Expunging
Make sure the gallery is "Visible"; this status is indicated on the left-hand side of the gallery.
Reverting and Splitting
Reversion should be requested when an uploader solely removes legitimate content from a gallery. Please do not expunge these galleries.
- Reverted galleries will be locked for updating to prevent further sabotaging.
Gallery chain split should be requested when an uploader overwrites a gallery with other irrelevant content, assuming that both iterations can be considered as valid galleries on their own.
- The split gallery will not have any ratings, favorites, comments, or torrents, but will retain tags with 10 or more power from the original chain by default.
- Both the original and split gallery will be locked for updating.
To submit a reversion/split request:
- Step 1: Visit the version of the gallery to be reverted back to (not the inferior version).
- Step 2: Press "Report Gallery" and scroll down.
- Step 3: Select the "Reversion/Split/Undisown Request" option from the drop-down menu.
- Step 4: Put in your e-mail address.
- Step 5: Type "Revert" / "Split *Gallery IDs* " and briefly state why the gallery should be reverted/split in the "Report Details" box.
- Step 6: Send the report.
While not mandatory, you are encouraged to document your reversion/split requests over this thread. Notifying the community will help to prevent redundant requests from being submitted.
Reasons To Expunge
Already Uploaded
This gallery is a duplicate of equal or lower quality of an earlier posted gallery.
This explanation requires a link to the superior / previously uploaded gallery.
- An exact duplicate already exists.
- A superior version already exists (see below).
- Bad-faith rewrite or translation of existing content to add extremist or politically charged content.(Ref)
- The gallery is a reupload of a work that has previously been removed by the administration.
- Content listed on the Do Not Post list should be expunged as forbidden content.
Tag: already uploaded
- The gallery is a compilation of works not permitted together:
- Images from official sets (such as comics, tankoubons, or CG sets) should not be substantially included in other collections of images.
- Combinations of chapters from multiple tankoubons.
- Multiple language translations should not be combined in a single gallery.
- Galleries consisting of ≥ 50% of compiled content would be considered compilations.
The compiled content must exist in separate galleries before it can be expunged. If the number of galleries is too much to list out in the expunge reason, a comment linking to the existing galleries is required.
- Compilation galleries can be expunged if the referenced galleries are missing less than 20% or 8 of the images, whichever is highest.
Tag: compilation
- Certain compilations are permitted and may co-exist with galleries of separate chapters. They should NOT be expunged or given the compilation tag:
- Combinations of related chapters from multiple anthologies.
- Priority 1-2 uploaders combining multiple story-relevant chapters from different tankoubons, anthologies, and other individual releases into a single compilation gallery.
- The compilation gallery must consist entirely of their own work or translations.
Tag: No special action
A newer higher-quality and clearly marked copy of this gallery has been uploaded.
This explanation requires a link to the superior gallery.
- A superior version now exists which makes the current gallery inferior. (See below)
Tag: replaced
- A gallery composed of watermarked reproductions advertising a website unrelated to the content's creation, scanning, or translation. To be expunged and tagged as replaced only when a non-watermarked gallery exists to replace it.
Tag: watermarked, replaced
This gallery contains either illicit content like child porn or anything else forbidden by the Terms of Service, or otherwise falls under the Expunge Guidelines (specify below).
- Anything indexed on the Do Not Post list.
Any content not included in this list should not be expunged for this reason. If the gallery has previously been removed by the administration, but not listed on the Do Not Post list, expunge the reupload as already uploaded.
Minor instances should not be expunged but instead reported with the image numbers included in the report.(Ref)
- Content published by Wani Magazine does not apply (but may qualify as already uploaded). For a list of known Wani tankoubons that are no longer acceptable see Tankoubon DNP.
- Any real person that cannot be verified as being 18+ years of age.
- Real guro, extreme BDSM, bestiality or anything else considered "obscene" by law.
- Mainstream commercial manga, especially non-h (e.g., serialized manga like: Detective Canon, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, One Piece, To Love Ru, etc)
- Anything that does not fit with the theme of the site (e.g. memes, photos of real places/objects, etc.)
- Galleries that are primarily face swaps of existing content.
- For this expunge to be valid, the original non face swapped gallery must be uploaded, unless said gallery would be expungeable.
- If the original work is valid content but not uploaded, the first face swap gallery is treated as the original, but is replaced by the original should it get uploaded after.
- When it is infeasible to determine the original, i.e. in ai generated galleries, the first gallery uploaded is considered as the original.
- For this expunge to be valid, the original non face swapped gallery must be uploaded, unless said gallery would be expungeable.
- Bad-faith irrelevant original content with extremist or politically charged content.(Ref)
- Having less than 8 images (unless it is a sample / complete work / ongoing story/set).
- Galleries require at least 2 images or at least 1 double spread page to be considered a complete work.
- Incomplete sample/preview galleries that are clearly primarily intended to drive traffic to an external source. This usually only applies if the content is censored or cuts off but includes a link to where to get/buy the uncensored/complete content, either as an image or in the comments.
- Is NOT generally applicable for galleries that include references to external content. For example, Pixiv dumps that include preview content for Fanbox and similar.
- Anything listed on the Spam Prevention List.
Tag: forbidden content
- Non-cosplay porn or pictures of real people.
- If the image(s) are a genuine part of the work (e.g. real porn ads inside of anthologies) they are exempt.
- Reference images included with the resulting work in the same gallery are exempt. (example)
- Other real porn images should not be posted, neither separately nor mixed with drawn images.
- A gallery that contains at least 10 real porn images or where they make up at least 10% of the gallery may be expunged.
- Asian Porn uploaded before 2012-02-15 (if otherwise considered acceptable) is exempt.(Ref)
- Generic cosplay (any cosplay not of an established character or series). Few exceptions exist.
- Any images featuring underage models are strictly banned and should be immediately reported.
Please also alert gallery moderators by posting here.
Tag: realporn
Content has been defaced by adding content-obstructing scanmarks, censorship or advertisements beyond what is present in the original artist release, or has been intentionally degraded to the point where legibility is an issue.
A mod power of at least 20 is required to start this type of expunge petition.
- "Degraded" includes any sort of intentional bad-faith sabotage of the core content, including but not limited to excessive downsampling, blurring, pixelation etc, as well as leaving out core content.
- Scanmarks that do not obstruct content or promotional pages added after the content pages do not qualify.
- Low-resolution scans uploaded before 2022-04-28 are exempt.
- Text added by a third party that is typeset in a way not common for the works language for a significant number of pages, or otherwise made to be intentionally hard to read. For example, vertical text on an English translated gallery.
- This applies to fonts unreadable to most in the translated language, such as dingbat fonts, etc.
- This may also apply to font so small that it is effectively unreadable.
- If you are unsure whether a gallery qualifies for this expunge category or not, please make an inquiry here.
- For reference, a list of valid and invalid cases can be found here.
Tag: defaced
Expunge Reason Priority
If a gallery fulfills the criteria for multiple expunge categories simultaneously (e.g. a re-uploaded DNP), a single petition must be filed with the first applicable reason based on this order:
Priority Expunge Type 1 Forbidden Content 2 Already Uploaded 3 Replaced 4 Defaced
Superior Versions
The most common type of superiority is the amount of content a gallery contains. There are 4 classifications of content:
Class | Includes | Desirability |
Core Content |
Always. A gallery missing any core content can be replaced by one that has more/all of it. |
Extraneous Content |
Can be included but cannot replace an existing gallery with all of its core content. |
Non-Content |
Not at all, but do not make a gallery expungable. |
Undesirable Content |
Not at all. If the gallery is a digital release without third-party tempering (i.e. digital RAW) and was published more than 7 days ago, this makes it replaceable with the one without. |
The following factors also make a gallery superior to other versions:
- Corrected Order
- Front cover placement.
- For non-covers this only applies to stories or other instances where image order actually matters.
- Better Quality
- Images should be as released by the source. Conversions, retouching, leveling, splitting double-pages into singles, or removing original source watermarks are NOT permitted.
- This includes cleaner scans, no watermarks/scanmarks, increased legibility of text, no folding marks, less artifacts, more visible contrast, etc.
- Maximum DPI is 300; anything greater is considered excessive.
- Single page scans are preferred over double-page scans.
- A fully complete gallery may replace an incomplete one of superior image quality; however, if both galleries are incomplete in different ways then they both stay.(Ref)
- Larger Resolution
- Upscales do NOT qualify.
- Duplicate Images Removed
- Updated Translations
- The edits must have been done by the same translator(s).
Uploader Priority
Priority | Uploader |
1 | Original artist posting their own art
2 | Translator posting their own translation
3 | Commissioner of the art or translation (proof required)
4 | Everyone else |
- Priority 1-2 galleries can only be replaced if the new gallery is from the same user (or another member of the same translation team).
- A priority 2 upload cannot be replaced by a reupload from the artist (i.e., priority 1). For such scenarios, both galleries should co-exist.
Different Versions
All versions of the following may exist simultaneously:
- Translated and Raw versions
- Rewrites
- Translations by different translators
- Different censorships
- Colored and Uncolored versions
- Uncensored and Censored versions
- Paper scans and Digital versions
- Digital tankoubons do override paper scans that are not full tankoubons (and vice-versa)
- Imagesets of any theme, if uploaded by a different user. There is no such thing as a "more complete" collection in this regard.
- New imagesets being identical to already posted imagesets can still be expunged.(Ref)
Bad Reasons To Expunge
Bad Reason | Explanation / Proper Action |
Gallery contains lolicon, shotacon, toddlercon, incest, abortion, guro, or scat content | Tag appropriately and move on. This also applies to anything else one might find "unappealing" or "offensive". |
Miscategorized | Tag with the correct category to help change it. |
Gallery is non-pornographic | Tag appropriately (non-h, western non-h, or non-nude). |
Incorrect Name | Make or request a rename petition. |
Incomplete / Sample | An incomplete/sample gallery may only be replacement expunged by a more complete gallery. |
Torrent | A gallery's torrents (or lack thereof) are not relevant to the gallery itself. The EHTracker has a separate expunging system. |
Themeless | Galleries with no central theme are permitted. |
Rewrite / Redraw | Rewrites and redraws are permitted. |
AI Generated | Galleries with AI generated content (e.g. NovelAI, Stable Diffusion) are permitted. Might qualify for the [AI Generated]/[AI生成] special indicator. |
Mistagged | Post the incorrect tags here. |
Deletion Attempts (e.g. Replacing a gallery with a white page) | Published galleries CANNOT be removed by uploader. Attempting to do so may result in a penalty placed on your account.
Excessive Updates | Report as "Excessive Updates" and request to have the gallery locked for updates instead. Some exceptions exist. In cases of severe bumping, especially when aimed at attempting to dodge a community expunge, please report here and a moderator will block the gallery from further updates. |
Uploader / User Request | Uploaders do not have claim to their galleries once published, they may disown them if they wish to remove association. Copyright claims may only be done by their respective owners via the report function. Misrepresenting copyright ownership will lead to a permanent ban. |
The following are the correct actions for underage content:
Type | Actions | |||
Tag With | Expunge | Report | Alert | |
Drawn | lolicon / shotacon / toddlercon | X | X | |
Realistic 3D & AI Generated art | lolicon / shotacon / toddlercon | X | ✔ | |
Real children (regardless of nudity or sexuality) | realporn | ✔ | ✔ | Post here to alert moderators. |
Gallery Visibility
If a gallery is "Visible" to at least 1 user (besides Tenboro) it is counted as existing in the system and thus any re-uploads should be expunged.
- Private galleries are not to be expunged unless they contain forbidden content.
Effects of Expunging
- Expunged galleries cease earning any GP. Galleries expunged within 4 hours of their publishing receive no GP at all.
- Expunged galleries become unsearchable by default and require the advanced search option "Browse Expunged Galleries".
Expunging galleries (as well as renaming them) rewards points for the Cleanup Toplist. Users receive more points for being the first to petition.
Repeated poor use of expunge petitions may result in the user being banned from using them further.
- Expunge petition on protected galleries, such as those that have previously been de-expunged, can only be started by gallery moderators.
Forum Links
- Expunge Discussion and Assistance Thread - For questions and requests related to the expunge system.
- Gallery Locking - For reporting galleries that depict real children.
See Also
E-Hentai Galleries Navigation | ||
Finding | Gallery Searching • Bounty System • Favorites • Making Requests | |
Directory | Anthologies • Artist Recommendations | |
Uploading | Making Galleries • Gallery Categories • Gallery Manager • Gallery Descriptions | |
Downloading | Archives • Hentai@Home • EHTracker • Gallery Readers | |
User Actions | Tagging | Fetish Listing • Know The Difference • Mechanics (Namespaces, Tag Creation) • My Tags • New Tags |
Other | Commenting • Expunging • Mod Power • Rating • Renaming • Reporting | |
Rewards | Credits • Gallery Points • Hath Perks • Toplists | |
Viewing | Lo-Fi • Multi-Page Viewer | |
System | API • Bans • FAQ • My Home • Technical Issues |