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Point.png Reporting galleries should only be done in cases of serious rule violations.

How To

Reporting galleries can be done by clicking the Report Gallery link located on the right-hand side of the gallery's tag section. This does not require an account. The gallery's image section will be replaced with a form wherein the complaint type and details of the complaint must be filled out. An e-mail address is required regardless of complaint type.

Complaint Types


Copyright Infringement

A proper takedown notice requires ALL legally required information to be filed in order to be considered valid. If ANY of the information is missing or invalid E-Hentai cannot be held liable for copyright infringement.

  • Moderators are unable to process any copyright infringement notice. Please do not contact them for assistance, use the report function instead.

Child Pornography

Any depictions of real children (including "realistic" renderings).

Other Illicit Content

Any depiction of other illicit content. See the Terms of Service for more details.


Excessive Updates

For requesting a gallery lock on a gallery with too many updates (see Expunging).

Reverting, Splitting, and Undisowning

For requesting a gallery to be reverted or split, or to request a gallery be undisowned.

Correct/Incorrect Reporting

The Report Functionality comes with five separate forms (one for each category above):

  • DMCA/Copyright Infringement
  • Child Pornography
  • Other Illicit Content
  • Excessive Updates
  • Reversion/Split/Undisown Request

The use of the correct form is enforced, since different reports require different information from the claimant.

Point.png Repeated misuse, including the use of the wrong form, can get you blocked from using this site.

See also

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