Gallery Rating

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Gallery ratings are a subjective gallery scoring system, based on user input, that values a gallery's worth on a scale from 0.5 to 5 stars.

How To

Rating a gallery is done by opening a gallery and using the five stars on the left side below its data and above the Favorites link. Users simply click on the desired rating of 0.5 through 5 (from left to right) in increments of 0.5. The number next to the rating indicates the number of users who have voted on that gallery. Users may not rate their own galleries.

A gallery's average rating is displayed both on the gallery's page, the favorites page, and on the galleries front page. The displayed average rating may have extreme outliers removed for calculation. The rating shown is based on the average rating score unless the user sets their own rating. If a user does set their own rating this will always be shown instead of the average (the average is still displayed numerically under the stars in the gallery itself). Users may change their vote at any time.


A gallery's rating does not directly affect it in any way. Users may choose to avoid galleries with low ratings but that is entirely at their discretion. Gallery searches may be performed using a minimum average rating as a search requirement.


Average ratings start at 40% opacity at the first vote and gain 1/15 opacity with each extra vote, capping at 100% opacity at 10 votes. User-set ratings have customizable colors (set in My Settings) with any combination of R, G, B and Y.

rtr.png rt.png rtg.png rtb.png


Users who rate galleries (as well as those who post or vote on comments) are rewarded points on the Rating & Reviewing Toplist.

  • The system awards 1 point per valid rating, up to 20 points per day for 20 distinct galleries. This is cumulative with points earned from comment upvotes.
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