My Home

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The My Home page is where users may observe or make use of various functions involving the E-Hentai Galleries.


Image Limits
Displays the current limit of the user to view images (typically 3,000-5,000). Also allows for this limit to be reset manually at the cost of GP (if no GP is available, Credits will be converted at the 24-hour "high" rate to cover the cost). This limit and regen rate (typically 3-5 per minute) vary based on server load.
  • The limit is tracked by IP address by default; this can be changed to account-only tracking via a Bronze Star or higher.
  • Force-reloading a failing image counts as 50 hits.
  • Downloading an original image counts as (10 * filesize_in_MB) hits.
    • Will instead cost GP under certain conditions. Please see here for details.
  • If the user opted out of Hentai@Home content delivery (under Image Load Settings) all API requests will count as 5 hits instead of 1, even if the image already is cached or the request fails.
    • Only donators may pick this option and should only do so if experiencing H@H issues. It is recommended to have the More Pages (or above) Hath Perk unlocked as this will drain image limits 5x as fast. This is especially true for MPV, which preloads images, and larger galleries.
Lists the various data and statistics for the user's torrent behavior.
Total GP Gained
Displays a summary of all GP earned.
Displays the position the user has reached on any toplist if the user is within the top 1,000.
Moderation Power
Displays the user's sources and total mod power.

My Stats

  • Shows a total of all hits/visits a user's galleries have collectively received.
    • Note that this displays the last 28-31 days' stats depending on the number of days in the preceding month, NOT the days since the start of the current month.

My Settings

Allows the adjustment of various visibility settings.

  • Image load settings.
    • The "Default port clients only" option restricts image loads to H@H clients using port 443.
      • This will also bypass the H@H network when:
        • Viewing original images smaller than 10 MiB in galleries that were posted in the last year.
        • Regular browsing when the use of original images is enabled and the file would normally be resampled at 2400x.
        • Using the "Download Original" button (i.e., manual download). The cost will also be increased as a result.
        • Using the H@H Downloader.
    • The "No" options will completely bypass the H@H network when loading any images. Only available for donators. Picking these options will quickly consume your image limits.
    • The "Browsing Country" option lets you override the country used to determine which part of the H@H network to load images from.
  • Image size settings.
    • Selecting the default horizontal resolution. The "Auto" option is generally 1280x, or 780x if browsing on mobile.
    • Enabling/Disabling the use of original images instead of the resampled versions.
      • This feature requires the Source Nexus Hath Perk.
      • Resampled images will still be used if:
        • You select a default horizontal resolution different than "Auto" and the image in question is wider.
        • The original image is larger than 10 MiB (or 4 MiB for galleries older than one year).
  • Selecting the default viewing mode and categories for the front/search pages.
  • Enabling/disabling historic UI elements.
  • Renaming Favorite categories, as well as setting the sort order for galleries on your favorites page.
  • Choosing the search result count per page for the index/search page and torrent search pages.
    • This feature requires the Paging Enlargement Hath Perk.
  • Adjusting the default thumbnail configurations, as well as thumbnail scaling for Thumbnail and Extended viewing modes.
  • Enabling/disabling the filtered removal count readout ("Your custom filters removed XX galleries from this page").
  • Excluding languages besides Japanese (requires the corresponding tags to be at 100 mod power or higher).
    • "Other" refers to languages not already listed.
    • "N/A" refers to speechless and textless galleries.
  • Excluding uploaders to prevent their galleries from being displayed.
    • Users can exclude up to 100 uploaders.
    • Gold Star or above donors can exclude up to 1,000 uploaders.
  • Choices for the order in which the gallery comments and tags are sorted.

My Tags

  • For filtering or highlighting galleries containing sets of tags.


  • For the adjustment of H@H client settings.
  • Includes a download link of the H@H client software.


  • For donation transactions; also displays the cumulative amount already donated.
  • Adopt-A-Server is also managed from here.

Hath Perks

  • For the purchase of hath perks in exchange for Hath.

Hath Exchange

GP Exchange

  • For the purchasing and selling of GP for credits.

Credit Log

  • A log of credit income and spending activities for the last 30 days (except for the Dawn event).

Karma Log

  • A log of who has imbued karma and the messages they have left.
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