Making Requests

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Point.png ALL requests (unless otherwise noted) should be made HERE.

Works Found on E-Hentai

Users who know that a gallery already exists with the content they wish to find should try to include the following in their request:

  • Any sample images (and try file searching with said images); these can be uploaded images or links, just be sure the links work before posting them
  • The name / title of the gallery
  • What tags may apply to the gallery, especially languages tags, full color, creator tags, series tags, and character tags
  • How long ago they found the gallery (if applicable)
  • The plot / overall theme, especially any piece of dialogue that might help the work stand out from others

Works Not Found on E-Hentai

Users that are certain that the work has not been uploaded to the galleries should try to:

  • Include a link to the work, especially if it can be purchased (DLSite, Getchu, DMM, MugiMugi, artist's website, etc.)
  • Offer a bounty


Translation requests have their own section here.

  • Offer a bounty based on the amount of text that requires translation
  • Check the Cove of Translators for rate estimates, time estimates, and available languages


  • Requests for torrents or re-seeding should include a link to the gallery

Do Not

  • Offer real money; E-Hentai is not responsible for any financial transactions involving anything outside of the site's currencies
  • Request any materials not permitted on the site
  • Bump threads

See also

E-Hentai Galleries Navigation
Finding Gallery SearchingBounty SystemFavoritesMaking Requests
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