ai generated

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Point.pngThis tag is handled by an auto-tagger.Point.png

Reminder: The definition must be fulfilled before a tag is applicable. If a tag type is hyperlinked, refer to the linked page for any additional tagging notes.

  • Description: Contains the [AI Generated] indicator within the title.
  • Notes: May not be directly voted and is applied automatically when the indicator is included in, or renamed to be included in, the title. The tag is removed automatically when the gallery is renamed to remove the indicator. Renames must follow the indicator requirements and formatting set below.
  • Slave Tags: Other


  • R Field: [AI Generated]
  • J Field: [AI生成]
  • Description: The [AI Generated] indicator standardizes the gallery title, indicating that illustrations within the gallery were created with artificial intelligence software (e.g. NovelAI and Stable Diffusion). Do NOT add this to galleries where AI involvement was directly denied by the uploader in the uploader comment, within the work, or on the credits page of the uploader/group. Specific cases may be discussed here.
  • Notes: Should only be applied to clearly AI images that represent at least half of the gallery.
It is not applicable if AI was only used as a tool in the process of creating something that does not have the obvious visual appearance of being AI-generated, e.g. if it was painted over.
Counts as a special indicator. For image sets, the title should not be disrupted other than correcting the [AI Generated] indicator if necessary, or special situations listed on the talk page.

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