E-Hentai Janitor

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Certain members have been given special abilities or access to restricted tools due to their expertise and/or historic diligence and willingness to help make E-Hentai a better place.

Tag vetoers will be classed as "inactive" under certain conditions. These users are indicated with a gray .

Removal of janitor role(s) is generally done due to extended inactivity or by own request. Re-assignment is possible should the user return from inactivity.

Name Power Forum Mod IRC Op EHWiki Admin Tagging Namespacer Galleries Additional
Cleaning Vetoing Checking Approving Grouping Locking Moderating Banning
-terry- 52 The Vigilante QC Judge
Binglo 66 Tag Judge
blue penguin 66
Byza 50 The Vigilante ES-EN
chriseras 37
Cipher-kun 60
danticat420 26
Dnkz 60 QC Judge
Eboshi 61 General Chat KR-EN
elgringo 73 Rename Judge
ericeric91 38 General Chat CN-EN
EsotericSatire 35 Discussion Forums (Hobbies)
Feftak 35
Kagoraphobia 64 Tag Judge
lurphysmaw 36
Maximum_Joe 75 Retired
Mayriad 52 JP-EN
meow_pao 65
Miles Edgeworth 76 On Hiatus
Mrsuperhappy 62
nasu 64 The Vigilante Rename Judge
Necromusume 43
Nezu 44 The Hentaiverse
Noni 61 The Hentaiverse
noones 31
peterson123 44
poiuytrewqazx 42
rizelbr 36
Rogabute 41
Shank 63 Tag Judge
simplesimon32 43
somerandomdude33 32
Spectre 50
TheGreyPanther 74
tobeunforgiven2 28
Zes 51


Position Capabilities
Forum Mod Edit or delete forum posts. Global Mods (✔) can impose posting restrictions on accounts with severe forum rules violations.
IRC Op Kick or ban users from the IRC channel.
EHWiki Admin Manage wiki editing permissions. Can also edit pages that are marked as protected.
Tag Cleaning Users with this privilege are able to:
  • Downvote tags at full power.
  • Bypass the minimum MP requirement for downvoting locked-in solid tags.
  • Cancel out implied language tags from the uploader language setting with a -100 power downvote.
Tag Vetoing These users are given additional tagging privileges:
Tag Checking View any user's or gallery's tag histories.
Namespacer - Approving Approve, rename, and set namespaces on the pending tags from the tag approval tracker.
Namespacer - Grouping Group tags, as well as set blocks, namespaces, and aliases on any existing tags. Can also reject pending tags on the tag approval tracker.
Galleries Locking Lock galleries with any depictions of real children.
Galleries Moderating These users are granted the following gallery privileges:
  • Receive a base power boost of +10.
  • Block further updates on galleries that are excessively bumped.
  • Delete malicious torrents.
  • Both comment and vote on other comments in the same gallery.
  • Permanently hide gallery comments with a downvote, assuming they have reached -100 power.
  • Start an expunge on a gallery that has previously been de-expunged or is otherwise expunge-protected.
  • File an appeal on aged expunges.
  • Check the original ownership of a disowned gallery.
Galleries Banning Restrict users from performing certain gallery activities due to major site rule violations (e.g., spamming). All ban actions will be reviewed by the administration.
Tag Judge Make judgement calls on fetish/content tags.
QC Judge Make judgement calls on gallery superiority.
Rename Judge Make judgement calls on renaming.
JP-EN Heightened trust in Japanese-English translations/transliterations.
Similar positions exist for other languages (CN-EN, ES-EN, KR-EN).