HentaiVerse Bugs & Errors

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This page is a list of the various bugs and error messages in the HentaiVerse mini-game. They often appear in this color.

For other errors or problems please see Technical Issues.


  • Stop beating dead horses: Occurs when a player executes an attack against an already eliminated enemy. This is most commonly triggered by a spell's status effect dealing damage to a dead foe though it can also be caused when a player visits a past version of the page and tries to attack a currently dead enemy.
  • Invalid target: Occurs when a player returns to a previous round of a multi-round battle (i.e. an Arena, Grindfest, or Item World) and tries to attack the number of an enemy who does not exist in the current round.
  • Item does not exist: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to use an item that had been subsequently used. This can also occur when a player uses an item then tries to attack an enemy before the item triggers. Note: The item is used and takes effect, but the player effectively loses a turn.
  • Inventory slot is empty: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to use an item that in inventory slot and had been subsequently used. This will lead to the player losing a turn.
  • You do not have a powerup gem: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to use a powerup gem in the P (gem) slot that had been subsequently used. This will lead to the player losing a turn.
  • Warning: Reached equipment inventory limit.: Occurs if the player is holding onto too many pieces of equipment. Equipment drops will be nullified until this is remedied.
  • You gain no EXP due to exhaustion.: Occurs if the player's stamina is too low (or the player is level 500).


  • No such section.: Occurs when a player tries to access a section (by modifying the HentaiVerse URL) that doesn't exist.
  • Transaction cannot be completed as requested: An item or amount was not entered upon performing an action in the Bazaar or MoogleMail. Selections must be "lit up" in a yellow highlight before proceeding.
  • That is not a valid choice.: Occurs when a player attempts to use a non-valid answer (anything besides A/B/C/D) to a RiddleMaster question.
  • Must buy at least one ticket: Occurs when a player attempts to by any non-positive integer number of tickets at the Lottery.


  • Insufficient ability points: Occurs when a player tries to upgrade an ability without having enough ability points.
  • Insufficient mastery points: Occurs when a player tries to unlock a mastery slot without having enough mastery points.
  • Insufficient funds: Occurs when a player tries to reset an ability without having enough credits.
  • You have already maxed that skill: Occurs when a player tries to add points to an ability that is already maxed out.
  • No slot available that fits the given ability: Occurs when a player tries to slot an ability when no mastery slots are available.
  • The slot does not fit the given ability: Occurs when a player tries to slot an ability to the wrong mastery slot type.
  • Check Abilities: Occurs if a player has no ability points assigned to anything.

Battle Items

  • Cannot slot item - no free spaces.: Occurs when a player tries to add an item to their battle items without having a free slot.
  • Slot only takes scrolls.: Occurs when a player tries to put an item that isn't a scroll into a scroll slot.
  • Slot only takes infusions.: Occurs when a player tries to put an item that isn't an infusion into an infusion slot.
  • Insufficient items, cannot restock.: Occurs when a player leaves combat and a battle inventory item can't be restocked because of insufficient quantities. The same error message also appears when a player returns to an old version of a page and tries to add an item to their battle items without having the item anymore.


  • There are no items of that type available.: Occurs when a player tries to buy an item or equipment piece from the bazaar that sold out before the transaction could be completed. The same error message also appears when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries so sell an item or equipment piece to the bazaar without having the required item/equipment anymore.
  • Items cannot be sold while locked.: Occurs when a player tries to sell a locked equipment piece.


  • Cannot equip the same item in two slots. And shame on you for trying.: Occurs when a player attempts to assign the same weapon to both Main Hand and Offhand simultaneously.
  • Name is too long (max 50 chars): Occurs when trying to name a level 10 piece of equipment with more than 50 characters.
  • Armor Damage: Indicates that one or more pieces of armor worn are below 60% condition.
  • Weapon Damage: Indicates that one or both weapons worn are below 60% condition.
  • Check Equipment: Occurs if the player is not wearing any equipment.


  • Insufficient EXP.: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to upgrade a character stat without having enough EXP.
  • Check Attributes: Occurs if a player has not assigned any attribute points whatsoever.

Monster Lab

  • Name contains invalid characters.: One of the monster skill names contains a non-alphanumeric (or hyphen) character.
  • Too many spaces.: One of the monster skill names entered exceeds the 5 space maximum.
  • Invalid or missing skill name: One of the monster skill names was either left empty or has one of the above errors.
  • Insufficient crystals, or cannot be further upgraded: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to upgrade a stat without having the required crystals or when trying to upgrade a stat has already been maxed.
  • The name is bad and you should feel bad: The monster name contains prohibited phrases.
  • A monster with that name already exists: The monster name has already been claimed.


  • Sending emails to yourself must be the ultimate form of social withdrawal, kupo! Seek help, kupo!: Occurs when a player tries to send a MoogleMail to themselves.
  • Insufficient items, kupo!: Occurs when a player tries to attach a higher quantity of items to a message than what they have in their inventory.
  • You must at minimum specify a recipient and subject, kupo!: Occurs when a player tries to send a MoogleMail without a recipient, subject or if the recipient name is not recognized.
  • Ident or count not set, kupo!: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to attach an item to a MoogleMail without having the item anymore.
  • Equipment cannot be attached, kupo!: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to attach an equipment piece to a MoogleMail without having the equipment piece anymore.
  • Cannot set CoD on non-attachment, kupo!: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to set the CoD for an item/equipment piece without having the item/equipment piece attached anymore.
  • You cannot afford the postage, kupo!: Occurs if a player does not have the 10 credits needed to send a message.
  • That item cannot be mailed, kupo!: Occurs if a player attempts to send a Soul Fragment as an attachment.


  • You cannot enter the same arena twice in one day.: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to enter an arena challenge that was cleared already.

The Forge

  • Cannot upgrade item: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to upgrade an equipment piece without having the required materials for the upgrade or when trying to upgrade a stat has already been maxed.
  • Item not found.: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to upgrade an equipment piece without having the equipment piece anymore.
  • Cannot reforge locked items.: Equipment needs to be unlocked before reforging is possible.

The Shrine

  • No such item: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to offer a trophy without having the trophy anymore.


  • You cannot start training a new skill at this time, as you are already training your {name of skill} skill!: Occurs when a player returns to a previous version of a page and tries to train something while another training is still in progress.

See also

HentaiVerse Navigation
Character Menu StatsTrainingSettingsPersonaIsekai
Abilities SkillsSpells (Spell Damage‎)Spirit Stance
Levels Experience PointsLeveling UpRanksLevel and Rank Table
Info. Action SpeedOverchargeProficienciesStamina
Services Bazaar Equipment ShopItem ShopMonster Lab (Monster Stats)ShrineMoogleMailThe LotteryThe Market
The Forge RepairUpgradeEnchantSalvageReforgeSoulFuse
Items Drops Loot Drop RollsObsolete Items
Equipment Equipment BasicsDetailed Equip CharacteristicsWeapon ProcsStatsBurdenInterferenceEquipment RangesLevel Scaling
Battles Modes ArenaGrindfestItem WorldRandom EncounterRing of BloodThe Tower
Info. BestiaryDamage TypesDamage (Physical Damage)Enemy ProcsRiddleMaster
Isekai The Tower RankingRewards
Info. SeasonsRewardsRules
Misc. Currency CreditsGallery PointsHathHath Perks
Strategy Play StylesAdviceAdvanced Advice
System Dawn of a New DayBugsTechnical IssuesFAQHotkeysScripts & Tools