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The Arena interface.

The Arena is one of the battle modes in the HentaiVerse mini-game.

The Arena is a multi-round battle that places players against common foes.


  • Rounds: Predetermined (see below).
  • Monsters: Predetermined (see below).
  • Difficulty: Monsters do not get stronger as the rounds progress; they remain at 100% strength at all times.
  • Credits Bonus: 1x.
  • EXP Bonus: 1x - 5x (depends on the challenge).


  • Guaranteed equipment drop upon completing any challenge (quality depends on difficulty and selected challenge).
  • High chance for a Token drop.
    • Gives a 15~25% chance for a token drop. This chance increases for higher-level arenas (50~90% for 50+ round challenges).
  • The first time rewards a significant credit bonus. Subsequent clears reward a reduced amount.
  • Increased loot drop chances in last round (same as on Random Encounter).


Each challenge:

  • Has a level requirement.
  • Requires that the preceding one be cleared at least once, unless it is removed due to player level, in which case the lowest level available arena automatically unlocks.
  • May only be attempted once after enabling day, regardless of success or failure.
    • Challenges started before the Dawn of a New Day but cleared afterwards are counted towards the previous day and do not enter cooldown.
  • Only the 14 highest level available arenas are displayed, lower level arenas eventually drop off the list and become unavailable as the Player levels up.

Arena Challenges

Challenge Level Rounds Exp Mod First Clear Future Clears Monster Count Notes
Normal Bosses Legendaries Others
First Blood 1 2 1.0 100 C 20 C 2 0 0 0
Learning Curves 10 4 1,000 C 200 C 6 0 0 0
Graduation 20 6 2,000 C 400 C 14 0 0 0
Road Less Traveled 30 8 3,000 C 600 C 30 0 0 0
A Rolling Stone 40 10 4,000 C 800 C 42 0 0 0
Fresh Meat 50 12 5,000 C 1,000 C 68 0 0 0
Dark Skies 60 15 6,000 C 82 0 0 0
Growing Storm 70 20 7,000 C 109 0 0 0
Power Flux 80 25 8,000 C 136 0 0 0
Killzone 90 30 9,000 C 162 0 0 0
Endgame 100 35 10,000 C 172 1 0 0
Longest Journey 110 40 1.1 12,500 C 216 1 0 0
Dreamfall 120 45 1.2 15,000 C 281 1 0 0
Exile 130 50 1.3 20,000 C 311 1 0 0
Sealed Power 140 55 1.5 25,000 C 295 2 0 0
New Wings 150 60 1.6 30,000 C 293 3 0 0
To Kill a God 165 65 1.8 35,000 C 404 0 1 0
Eve of Death 180 70 1.9 40,000 C 375 1 1 0
The Trio and the Tree 200 75 2.0 50,000 C 394 0 0 41
End of Days 225 80 2.2 321 2 55 0
Eternal Darkness 250 85 2.5 228 3 115 0
A Dance with Dragons 300 90 3.0 357 0 179 32 Set to PFUDOR difficulty regardless of the current difficulty setting upon entering.
1x Tier 7 Equipment Clear Bonus.
Unlocks the Dovahkiin Title.
Post Game Content 400 95 4.0 375 0 188 63 Set to PFUDOR difficulty regardless of the current difficulty setting upon entering.
All monsters have 50% extra damage and player monsters have 50% extra health.
2x Tier 7 Equipment Clear Bonus.
Secret Pony Level 500 100 5.0 480 0 198 94 Set to PFUDOR difficulty regardless of the current difficulty setting upon entering.
All monsters have 100% extra damage and player monsters have 100% extra health.
3x Tier 7 Equipment Clear Bonus.
Unlocks the Ponyslayer Title.

1. Skuld, Urd, Verdandi, Yggdrasil.

2. Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion

3. New Game +, Bottomless Dungeon, Recycled Boss Rush, Time Trial Mode, Achievement Grind, Hardcore Mode

4. Angel Bunny, Applejack, Fluttershy, Gummy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle.

See also

HentaiVerse Navigation
Character Menu StatsTrainingSettingsPersonaIsekai
Abilities SkillsSpells (Spell Damage‎)Spirit Stance
Levels Experience PointsLeveling UpRanksLevel and Rank Table
Info. Action SpeedOverchargeProficienciesStamina
Services Bazaar Equipment ShopItem ShopMonster Lab (Monster Stats)ShrineMoogleMailThe LotteryThe Market
The Forge RepairUpgradeEnchantSalvageReforgeSoulFuse
Items Drops Loot Drop RollsObsolete Items
Equipment Equipment BasicsDetailed Equip CharacteristicsWeapon ProcsStatsBurdenInterferenceEquipment RangesLevel Scaling
Battles Modes ArenaGrindfestItem WorldRandom EncounterRing of BloodThe Tower
Info. BestiaryDamage TypesDamage (Physical Damage)Enemy ProcsRiddleMaster
Isekai The Tower RankingRewards
Info. SeasonsRewardsRules
Misc. Currency CreditsGallery PointsHathHath Perks
Strategy Play StylesAdviceAdvanced Advice
System Dawn of a New DayBugsTechnical IssuesFAQHotkeysScripts & Tools