Damage Types

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Players & Monsters

Players can choose different damage types based on their weapon. Specific types always belong belong to it "parent" type, e.g. Crushing damage belongs to Physical and Fire damage belongs to Magical. In contrast, monsters do not work in same vein, e.g. Fire damage used by monster can be Physical.


  • Axes
  • Katanas
  • Longswords
  • Shortswords
  • Wakizashis

Slashing weapons can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • wpn bleed.png Bleeding Wound: A gushing wound is making this target take damage over time.


  • Estocs
  • Rapiers

Piercing weapons can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • wpn ap.png Penetrated Armor: The armor of this target has been breached, reducing its defenses.


  • Clubs
  • Maces
  • Staffs

Crushing weapons (besides staffs) can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • wpn stun.png Stunned: A powerful blow has temporarily stunned this target.


Unlike other types there is no means of gaining specific mitigation against this type of damage (both for players and monsters).


  • Abilities Fireball.png Fiery Blast
  • Abilities Inferno.png Inferno
  • Abilities Nova.png Flames of Loki

Fire spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Flare.png Searing Skin: The skin of the target has been scorched, inhibiting its attack damage. Cold resistance is lowered.


  • Abilities Freeze.png Freeze
  • Abilities Blizzard.png Blizzard
  • Abilities Fimbulvetr.png Fimbulvetr

Cold spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Freeze.png Freezing Limbs: The limbs of the target have been frozen, causing slower movement. Wind resistance is lowered.


  • Abilities Windblast.png Gale
  • Abilities Gale.png Downburst
  • Abilities Storms of Njord.png Storms of Njord

Wind spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Gale.png Turbulent Air: The air around the target has been upset, blowing up dust and increasing its miss chance. Elec resistance is lowered.


  • Abilities Lightning.png Shockblast
  • Abilities Column Lightning.png Chained Lightning
  • Abilities Shockblast.png Wrath of Thor

Elec spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Lightning.png Deep Burns: Internal damage causes slower reactions and lowers evade and resist chance. Fire resistance is lowered.


  • Abilities Smite.png Smite
  • Abilities Banish.png Banishment
  • Abilities Soul Fire.png Paradise Lost

Holy spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Smite.png Breached Defense: The holy attack has penetrated the target defenses, making it take more damage. Dark resistance is lowered.


  • Abilities Corruption.png Corruption
  • Abilities Disintegrate.png Disintegrate
  • Abilities Ragnarok.png Ragnarok

Dark spells can proc the following status effect on targeted monsters:

  • Abilities Disintegrate.png Blunted Attack: The decaying effects of the spell has blunted the target's offenses, making it deal less damage. Holy resistance is lowered.

See also

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