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Training allows credits to be spent on various bonuses for a player in the HentaiVerse.


  • Players can only train one skill at a time.
  • Training can be aborted, in which case the whole cost will be refunded.
    • Once a training is complete it cannot be undone or refunded.
  • Players can continue to take other actions including combat after initiating training.
  • If a player leaves the training screen before training is completed they will have to revisit it after the training has finished in order to receive the bonus.
Skill Effect Time Levels Initial Cost Final Cost Total Cost
Adept Learner +1% EXP bonus. 1H 300 100 50,000 5,126,661
Assimilator +10% proficiency gain rate. 24H 25 50,000 8,813,625 65,074,505
Ability Boost +1 Ability Point. 2H 500a 100 999,999 109,521,466
Manifest Destiny +1 Mastery Point. 24H 10b 1,000,000 10,000,000 55,000,000
Scavenger +1% base loot drop chance. 4H 50 500 2,000,000 17,484,001
Luck of the Draw +1% base rare equipment drop chance. 8H 25 2,000 4,000,000 18,371,541
Quartermaster +5% base equipment drop chance. 12H 20 5,000 5,000,000 20,275,725
Archaeologist +10% base artifact drop chance. 24H 10 25,000 8,000,000 19,268,647
Metabolism Slows monster hunger drain by 5%? 24H 10 1,000,000 10,000,000 55,000,000
Inspiration Slows monster morale drain by 5%? 24H 10 2,000,000 20,000,000 110,000,000
Scholar of War +1 Battle Scroll slots. 0H 5b 30,000 70,000 250,000
Tincture +1 Battle Infusion slots. 0H 5b 30,000 70,000 250,000
Pack Rat +1 Battle Inventory slots. 0H 10c 10,000 100,000 540,000
Dissociation +1 Persona slot. 24H 7d 1,000,000 7,000,000 28,000,000
Set Collector +1 equipment set. 12H 4 12,500 50,000 125,000

a - Cannot be trained beyond the player's level.
b - Cannot be trained beyond (the player's level / 50).
c - Cannot be trained beyond (the player's level / 20).
d - Cannot be trained beyond (the player's level / 70?).


The credit cost of any training can be calculated as:

Cost = round[(base_cost + level_cost * N) ^ (1 + exponent * N)]


  • base_cost = The initial base cost of the training item
  • level_cost = The cost to go up from level N to level N+1
  • N = The current level trained
  • exponent = The exponential value used to create a dynamic cost curve


Skill Base Cost Level Cost Exponent
Adept Learner 100 50 0.000417446
Assimilator 50,000? 50,000? 0.0057969565
Ability Boost 100 100 0.0005548607
Manifest Destiny 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Scavenger 500 500 0.0088310825
Luck of the Draw 2,000 2,000 0.0168750623
Quartermaster 5,000 5,000 0.017883894
Archaeologist 25,000 25,000 0.030981982
Metabolism 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Inspiration 2,000,000 2,000,000 0
Scholar of War 30,000 10,000 0
Tincture 30,000 10,000 0
Pack Rat 10,000 10,000 0
Dissociation 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Set Collector 12,500 12,500 0

See also

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