To Be Added

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The following is a list of expected features or changes to E-Hentai. This list is not comprehensive or official in any way.

Change Status Citation


IPv6 support [1]
Some additional HTTPS support (HSTS) Long-term [2][3][4]
Internal advert hosting Maybe [5]
Cross-domain/integrated session cookies Long-term; due after forum revamp [IRC]
Automatic payment confirmation for wallet-to-wallet donations [6]
Refundability for some Hath Perks Long-term [7]
Instant activation for newly purchased Hath Perks [8]

E-Hentai Forums

A completely new forum with better integration with the site's features. Will not be IPB based Long-term [PM][IRC]
E-mail notifications for replies to subscribed topics [9]
Customizable cutie marks Maybe [PM]
WEBM support (no audio) Maybe [10]

E-Hentai Galleries

Purge of the Asian Porn category Unlikely [11]
Improvements to Gallery Descriptions [12]
Torrent icons on the My Galleries page Maybe [IRC]
A means to blank out Japanese name fields via Renaming petitions [PM]
A "How To Search" link on the engine's UI Maybe [PM]
Power to be changed to a trust metric system. Power to include points for Renaming and Expunging Maybe [13]
Some changes to commenting toplist scoring Implemented? [14]
Mouseover preview images for bounties Maybe [15]
Magnet links for torrents Maybe [16]
WEBM uploading Long-term [17][18][19][20]
More favorite colors/folders Maybe [21]
Basic pre-fetching (outside of MPV) [22][23]
Fulltext indexing of comments/descriptions for searching purposes Long-term [24]
Better indication for "new" galleries [25]
Favorite changes (aesthetic?) [26]
Favorite searching to allow "fuzzy" searches again Implemented? [27][28]
New categories Long-term [29]
Option to show only new images for a gallery's update [30]


The User Tag History tool being available for all users (to use on other users) On hold [31]
Downvoting using full power (not half) for all users On hold [PM]
Tagging toplist score calculation changes [32]
Formatting changes to the tag area to handle very long tags Maybe [PM]
Tag disambiguation Long-term? [IRC]


More stats Implemented? [33]
Threaded speed testing / multi-transfer support [IRC]
The inclusion of namespaces in galleryinfo.txt files [34]


Various fixes for tooltips Ongoing N/A
A change to the MoogleMail postage dialogue [35]
Merging AGI into DEX Unlikely [36][37]
Lots of changes to the Shrine [IRC]
Original monsters' vulnerabilities revised [IRC]
Magical mitigation will be merged into "physical" Maybe [IRC]
A new hath perk tree for additional mastery points; auto-granted to donators of certain levels Maybe [PM]
Crafting Long-term [IRC]
Major balance changes, especially on mitigation versus HP and for mages in particular Overdue [38][IRC][39]
Traveling (waypoint-style) and terrains Long-term [IRC]
Changes to title perks [40]
Sprites for monsters Maybe [41]
Something to do past level 500 Soon? [42]
Shop that sells rare items for hath Maybe [43]
Spirit Stance increases the power of the next skill used at the cost of a full pip [44]
A major revamp of Item World Long-term [IRC]


A list of all abilities' requirements Overdue [45]
More abilities for the Fighting Style, Armor, Divine, and Forbidden panes [46]
Better Imperil will affect Holy/Dark damage Maybe [IRC]
Better names for abilities [47]

Monster Lab

Class-specific changes [48]
Class-specific penalties and bonuses outside of base stats [49]
More materials as gifts depending on chaos upgrades? [50]
A new chaos ability system, including slottable upgrades [51]
Custom monsters will be able to buff each other Long-term [IRC]
Custom monster will be able to "tank" for each other Long-term? [52]


More Fighting Skills for Staff
Slottable skills from titles [53]


Rewards for inactive proficiencies Maybe [54]
A change to the burden modifier for Heavy armor proficiency [55]
A new proficiency type for Niten Ichiryu [56]


A Collections item screen; including special bonuses for adding figurines to it [57]
Custom trophies for player-made monsters Long-term? [58]


Enhancements unique to a leveled up Forge. Equipment sold or sent through MoogleMail will lose any existing enhancements when this is added [59]
Accessories that will provide MDB/ADB and possibly other stats [60][IRC]
A different level 10 Potency for staffs [61]
Increased returns of non-binding materials from salvaging forged equipment Maybe [62]
Reintroducing some obsolete equipment types with improvements [63]
Allowing 4+ PABs on Legendary/Peerless rolls Maybe [IRC]
A means to get PXP just by using equipment (level 500 only) Maybe [IRC]

See also