From EHWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis article is for any spelling, grammatical, or other aesthetic errors in the E-Hentai.
- Hundreds of E-H links point to http://g.e; should be https://e
- Several forum links are also missing HTTPS.
- The error message "The maximum allowed length is 102400 characters." is false; it's roughly 65500 (depends on whitespaces used, etc.)
The Invisible Power Broads © IPS, Inc. link goes to (defunct); should be When Snowflake sends out Monthly Toplist Awards she refers to each item as a Ticket; should be Coupon.
- Term of Service - "Post photograpic material"; should be photographic.
- Hath Perks - Ads-Be-Gone - Can no longer be toggled.
- The tooltip for
on a gallery listing states "This gallery is expunged, deleted or replaced"; should not include deleted as those cannot be searched.
- Archiver error message - "I will now wait for this file to finish"; should be It.
- Abilities - Various tooltips do not update based on activated abilities (e.g. Haste still says 25% even after investing AP into Better Haste).
- Description of 2H Parry stays: "Increases your block when using the Two-Handed or Niten fighting style, scaling with your proficiency"; should be parry.
- Some abilities use "increases/decreases", while other use "increase/decrease"; should be the same to match the tense.
- Some description use "crit" term, while other "critical", as well some ability increase "cast time", but other "casttime".
- Hath Perks - Dark Descent - "shards for reseting an item's"; should be resetting.
- "Halve the required"; should be halves to match the tense of the other perks.
- Monster Lab - "To activate this monster, you have to feed it enough Crystals to reach powerlevel 100 and give it a name."; should be 25.
- "Insufficent Monster <food>"; should be insufficient.
- Battles - Combat log can show parrys; should be parries.[1]