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Users may set galleries as their favorites and make notes on them.

Adding and Removing

Galleries may be added to a user's favorites list by clicking on the "Add to Favorites" link below the gallery's rating or on the timestamp when browsing search results. Galleries display the number of times they have been favorited but this has no bearing on the gallery. Removing can be done from the favorites page en masse (no more than 25-100 at a time depending on unlocked Hath Perks).

Color and Names

Users may select from 10 different colors when designating a gallery as a favorite. Each color may be given a name through My Settings. This allows users to categorize their favorites such as by fetishes, categories, or any other criteria they desire.


Users may add a note to each favored gallery (UTF-8; max 200 bytes each). Users may search using these notes via the favorites page.

Example: If the user made a note stating "This doujin is a romantic comedy" then searching favnote:"comedy" in their favorites page will provide that gallery as a result.


Users may search their existing favorites list from within their favorites page. It is possible to filter the searches based on favorite color. It is also possible to sort by the date the gallery was favored or by the date the gallery was posted. If a gallery was updated the favorite will update to the most recent gallery in the chain.


  • Favorites are limited to 100,000. Reaching this limit will prevent the user from adding new ones or changing categories.
  • Notes for favorites are initially limited to 1,000. This can be increased up to a maximum of 25,000 through the "More Favorite Notes" Hath Perks.
  • Favorites are automatically deleted when a gallery in the chain gets removed from the system (does not apply to expunged galleries).

See also

E-Hentai Galleries Navigation
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