Gallery Descriptions

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The gallery description is the area where uploaders may leave any text to describe their gallery.


  • Searchable.
  • Can be left blank.
  • Can use the following BBCode:
    • Bold, Underline, Strike-through, and Italic.
    • URL for forum or gallery links.
    • IMG for static thumbnail image links within the galleries.
  • Can be freely edited via the Gallery Manager at any time. This does not formally update the gallery or change its timestamp.

Helpful To Indicate

  • Links to related works (other versions, other chapters/volumes, same artist, similar fetishes, etc.)
  • Links to informational websites (e.g. Mugimugi, DLsite, DMM, etc.)
  • Links to the creator's website or equivalent (e.g. Pixiv).
  • Links to the translator / scanner's website or IRC channel.
  • Index of contents for Anthologies or other larger magazines (artist names and page numbers; story titles and direct links to the pages are even better).
  • If the uploader is the artist or translator.
  • Direct download links (please be sure to remove / update these if necessary).
  • Any information about the story, especially if the text is not included in the gallery's pictures.
    • Note that for tagging purposes such text does not constitute taggable information.
  • If there is anything missing / to be added later.
  • If the gallery was updated - What was added / changed.
  • CG sets - If there are quasi-multiples of the same images and why (e.g. different resolutions, certain costumes, dark skin, etc.)

Not Helpful To Indicate

  • That the uploader does not own any of the images; this is unnecessary and has no legal bearing even when indicated.
  • Links to websites not indicated above.
  • The category or any tags already taggable on the gallery; this is redundant.
    • Keywords that are NOT taggable for any reason are helpful.
  • The title (except for any alternative titles that weren't included in the gallery's name).

See also

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