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The downloading of a gallery can be done in 3 different ways:

Method Pros Cons
  • No cost
  • Can download max size images
  • Can skip unwanted images
  • Counts against viewing limit
  • Costs GP when downloading original image, unless one of the following is true:
    • You are a donator
    • The gallery is newer than 3 months
    • The gallery is newer than 12 months, and it is not peak hours
  • Notes:
    • If manual downloading is not available for free, the system will first attempt to deduct your Full Image Quota (FIQ). The cost is 20 FIQ per MB
    • If your FIQ balance is not enough to cover the cost, you will be charged 1,000 GP in exchange for 1,000 FIQ
    • Your FIQ will only last temporarily. It will be reset when the servers' memory cache is restarted, or the cache entry is pruned due to space constraints
    • "Peak hours" for this purpose is (in UTC) between 14:00 and 20:00 UTC Monday-Saturday, and between 05:00 and 20:00 UTC on Sundays.
  • Very time consuming
  • No automation without browser plugins/scripts, but too intensive downloads will trigger IP bans
  • Can download files compressed into a package
  • Can select 1280x or original size
  • Freely re-downloadable for 1 week
  • Can be done through an H@H client
    • Allows for other sizes, galleryinfo.txt will be included
  • No cost
  • Can include files not present in the gallery
  • Can be the fastest option for larger galleries
  • Torrent ratio does not matter
  • Torrent may not exist for a gallery
  • Requires at least 1 seed or full copy in the swarm
  • Can be time consuming based on swarm size
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