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This is my personal page as a contributor to the E-Hentai wiki. I am a player of the HentaiVerse minigame who is aiming to master every aspect in the game and to discover new ways of playing. I am also a user who is actively helping the newer players by offering a service to buy/auction their equipments and operating the shared free shop. My main responsibility (for now) regarding the wiki is to keep up to date the pages related to the HentaiVerse minigame. I work along mainly with Scremaz and DJNoni, leading research projects using calculations, Excel shhets, various tools and scripts.

If you want to contribute to the building of the general knowledge regarding the HentaiVerse or if you have questions/suggestions, feel free to use my discussion page, or to contact me via a forum PM or the HentaiVerse's MoogleMail. I am also available to update information regarding the usage of a Hentai at Home client hosted on a Debian 7/8 server.

In all cases, before asking questions:

Einstein Wiki Guitar.jpg

Personal todo list

Here is a list of thing I will be likely to do/modify in a short or medium term:

  • Character_Stats - Finish updating the formulas and the explanations that go along with them
  • Damage - Update the info regarding damage reduction
  • The_Forge#Upgrade - Add a list of non-upgradable stats
  • Create a new page that details how to optimize HentaiVerse's performance for the smoothest experience possible
  • Elemental Strikes - Determine the power of an elemental strike, as well as the influence of forge levels
  • Infusions - Add a link to the elemental strikes page
  • Equipment - Add a column for mana conservation (battlecaster suffix), along with stats that normally don't exist, unless a suffix exists
  • Character_Stats#Points - Update the HP calculation formulas, to take Juggernaut into account