User talk:Quackytheduck

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Test page to possibly split off an additional Scripts page for non-HV scripts. Very early WIP.


  • Browsers may require script managing plugins.

Please do not PM the producers of these scripts for updates, especially after HV patch releases.

  • For the best performance and full compatibility in Hentaiverse, use the Custom Font Engine (Hentaiverse Menu: Character -> Settings).


These are third-party scripts. There are no guarantees they will work for every system or be updated promptly.

Name Description Source Last updated

Forums and Galleries

Color coding Color code and simplified BBCode. [1] N/A
Favorites Thumbnail View Gives a thumbnail view for the Favorites page [2] EHG 0.28
Forum Style (CSS) Hides the forum header and collapses posts. [3] / [4] N/A
User Comment Flags Flags/unflags user comments to hide them. [5] EHG 0.28


Some of these scripts are composed of other smaller ones: this means that theorically there is no need to install the below-mentioned ones. These are still listed for users who don't want to use the comprehensive versions and prefer to add only specific features.

General Interface

HV dark theme Custom CSS userstyle. v1.1 HV 0.86
boulay's CSS A collection of CSS userstyles to mod your HV interface in many ways. various HV 0.85
decondelite fixes: decondelite fixed some of the broken ones. various HV 0.86
HV Chinese Translation Offers user a Chinese interface (both traditional and simplified). 2017-10-03 HV 0.86
HV Navbar Same Tab Opens all HV links on EH navbar on the same tab, rather than opening a new one v0.1.1 HV 0.86
DarkNight Themes Custom CSS userstyles. One for the hentaiverse and one for the rest of the website, basically a site-wide night mode. v1.0 HV 0.86


Monsterbation All-purpose hovering script. For melees and mages, with a bunch of extra functions. Includes: v1.2.3.5 HV 0.86
Riddle Limiter Plus: makes RiddleMaster choices clickable. v1.2.2 HV 0.85
Confirmer: alerts when using Energy Drink or Flee. v0.4 HV 0.85
Monster Letter To Number: replace Monster letter with number v1.1 HV 0.86
HVSTAT Package of combat alerts, combat log adjustments, and statistical tracking. v5.7.1 HV 0.86
Battle Stats EX Another tool for statistical tracking. v1.5 HV 0.86
HVRed Adds a RE Timer on forum and galleries v1.0.2 HV 0.86
CountdownTimerRE Adds a countdown timer for the Random Encounter event on and its subdomains v0.1.2 HV 0.86
HV_REDifficulty Warns you if the difficulty you're playing REs differs from a specified one v0.5 HV 0.86

Items & Equipment

Track Drops Tracks and display drops by clicking on the stamina logo. 2017-06-25 HV 0.86
Easy Shop Helps you manage your shop, with graphic layouts. Alpha+3 HV 0.86
Forge Optimizers + Cost Calculators A set of Excel spreadsheets to predict the rolls of your stats when forged and how much this will cost you. v1.2.0 HV 0.86
Smart Search Adds advanced search to your forum page. v1.3.4 HV 0.86
Mage Score Calculates magic score for a gear. v2.0.3.2 HV 0.86
Last IW Allows you to quickly recall the last IW done. v1.6 HV 0.86
HV Hightlight Equipment Adds colored formatting to your equip lists. 2017-10-03 HV 0.86
Sort Organizes your items by date. v0.82.5 HV 0.86
Shrine Filter Lets you decide what should be hidden from Shrine list v0.2.1 HV 0.86
Live Percentile Ranges The evolution of Equip Comparison, allows you to discover the quality of your gear by comparing its stats with a database of known ranges v1.1.0 HV 0.86
HV Chart Allows you to graphically visualize the stats of your gear, and eventually to compare them with another one v0.6 HV 0.86

Monster Lab

CrunkJuice Adds numbers on mobs, searches monster database and more. Includes: v1.2.1.2 HV 0.86
Monster Lab numbers: displays Morale and Hunger values on Monster Lab v1.2 HV 0.86
Smart Monster Lab Revamps the Monster Lab interface. Shows various information of the monsters and allows quick interactions with the monsters within the same page. Interface can be sorted, filtered, and modified to the user's preference. v2.0.13c HV 0.86


Moogle Manager Advanced MoogleMail management: search, filter, bookmarks... v1.0.4 HV 0.86

Comprehensive management tools

HV Utils All-purpose out-of-battle tool, enhancing almost every element of HV. Includes: v2.2.3a HV 0.86
Equip shop: Locks good equipment, optimizes sale or salvage for other equipment HV 0.86
RE: Catches Random Encounters from everywhere. HV 0.86
Equip Highlighter: adds colored formatting to your equip lists. HV 0.86
Shrine: Bulk shrine, and prevents you from shrining figurines etc. HV 0.86
Inline Changer: enable user to change the difficulty, equip set and persona from the top bar. HV 0.86
Simulation of equipment set: e.g. average damage dealt to monsters HV 0.86
IW support: remember equipment that is being IW'd, reforge from same screen HV 0.86
HV Toolbox All-purpose tool to organize your shop, MoogleMail and Shrine. Includes: v1.0.4 HV 0.86
Percentile Ranges: shows the percentile quality of equipment stats (referred to L range). v1.2.1 HV 0.85
Shop Cleaner: cleans up Item and Equipment Shop. v0.2 HV 0.85
RE Same Tab: prevents RE links from opening a new window. v1.0 HV 0.85
Equip Highlighter: adds colored formatting to your equip lists. v1.0.1 HV 0.85
Unshrinable Figurines: prevents you from shrining figurines. v1.2 HV 0.86
Inline Difficulty Changer: enable user to change the difficulty in the stats bar. 2017-06-24 HV 0.86
Random Encounter Timer: tracks when the next Random Encounter/Dawn of a New Day is due. v1.3.4.6 HV 0.85

Making Scripts & Tools

Players are free to make new scripts for purposes such as making modifications and additions to the UI or changing key mappings and controls in general.

Forbidden Actions

Point.png Any script used to do ANY of the following inside the HentaiVerse is strictly forbidden. Offenders will be banned.

  • Any automation or semi-automation of gameplay beyond a single "action".
    • Anything that automates actions without direct player input.
  • Any parsing of live data to decide on actions.
  • Anything that has the function of picking a target automatically, regardless of the actual method.
    • Anything that interprets the page in any way to pick a target or action.
    • This includes rearranging or removing elements on the page (dead monsters for example) that would cause monsters or next actions to be automatically targeted.
  • Anything that allows a player to collect benefits from HV without requiring an input from the player
  • Anything that uses multi-threading (multiple connections), both in battle and out-of-battle

See also

(Navbar goes here)

(Categories go here)

This is a thread that I plan on updating with the Non-HV scripts. For HV scripts you can check the [url=]HV script thread[/url] and [url=]the wiki[/url]. The wiki will also be updated with this list (at some point). What is here in this thread that is not on the wiki are script request. If you have 3 hours to kill, come to this thread and check if you want to write one of those.

[size=3]Posting scripts and requests[/size]

There are three reasons to post into this thread:

1. One of the scripts does not work. This does not mean that someone will come to your home and teach you how to use a computer. Provide information about what you are using (i.e. browser and version) and test the script after scrapping the browser cache and disabling all other scripts. The only case where that is not appropriate is when you suspect a namespace clash between two scripts, i.e. that specific two script fail when you run them together. You can still narrow the problem down to two specific scripts.

2. You wrote a script you want to share. For the time being, it is wise to create a separate thread for the script and then post here linking to the thread. The final plan of this thread is to organise the scripts in some form of source control (e.g. a github organisation), yet that is a task for another day.

3. You have a script request. In other words, you have an idea for a script but do not have the time or skill to perform it. Note that you [b]need[/b] to be specific, "I want to be able to shoot rockets from my browser" will be killed straight away. Posting an idea about which you are unsure on feasibility is fine, but, if someone arguments against it, do not insist. This is a script thread not a thread about teaching computers. General help with JavaScript is better asked on the [url=]Tech Chat[/url].

[size=6]Script Index[/size]

For Firefox you will need [url=]Greasemonkey[/url] and/or and alternative to [s][url=]Stylish[/url][/s] (e.g. [url=]stylrrr[/url]) to run the scripts. For Chrome you can use [url=]Tampermonkey[/url] or place the script into Tools -> Extensions (chrome://extensions).


[url=]API middleware and cache[/url] - by hzqr. This is actually a cache for several scripts to use a cached API interface and not flood requests at the same time.


[url=]Hide Gallery Comment Section[/url] - by hzqr (formerly tiap). [url=]Clear "NEW" symbol next to gallery names[/url] - by hzqr (formerly tiap) [url=]Shows number of pages in list view[/url] - by blue penguin [url=]Old gallery layout, non-mobile friendly[/url] - by Maximum_Joe [url=]Quick Favourite[/url] - by FabulousCupcake

[url=]Tag Check - remembers what you downvoted so you can check whether you're doing it right[/url] - by Superlatanium [url=]Downvote Requestor - generates downvote requests[/url] - by blue penguin [url=]Tag View[/url] -by Rikis [url=]EH Higlighter - Custom highlights with and without tag flagging[/url] by hzqr (formerly tiap) [url=]EH Highlighter mods (API instead of tag flagging)[/url] - by Simpleton8 [url=]Custom gallery display (single page app)[/url] - by Tsuzuriko

[url=]Select gallery categories for MPV[/url] - by bobjoephil [url=]Quick Voting - on gallery tags[/url] - by FabulousCupcake [url=]Gallery search mode[/url] - by blue penguin [url=]Balcklister based on tag flags, titles and uploaders[/url] -by Luna_Flina [url=]Gallery info and tag search booru style[/url] - by Superlatanium

[url=]Unread gallery highlighter[/url] - by FabulousCupcake [url=]Gallery dark theme (including HV)[/url] - by chriseras [url=]MPV OSX normal scroll[/url] - by FabulousCupcake [url=]MPV - fit images to window size[/url] - by fyxie [url=]Fixed tagfield and tag autocomplete[/url] - by blue penguin

[url=]EH Nightly - dark styles[/url] - by boulay [url=]Improved gallery overview[/url] - by boulay [url=]Popus to regular links[/url] - by JukanX [url=]Normal sort in Thumbnail mode[/url] - by hzqr [url=]Rename/Expunge drop-down list[/url] - by TeaAndBiscuits

[url=]Rename Helper[/url] - by Superlatanium [url=]Language flag near gallery name[/url] - by Extiandr [url=]No cover previews[/url] - by Luna_Flina [url=]AJAX Pages for search and galleries[/url] - by Extiandr [url=]MPV Slideshow[/url] - by kutabe

[url=]Rename Helper - better style and rename title order[/url] - by Superlatanium [url=]Download all torrents for query[/url] - by ezdiy [url=]Open tag definition in a new tab (instead of new window)[/url] - by dragontamer8740 [url=]Extra Keyboard Navigation[/url] - by somebody_cares [url=]search for similar covers on current search page[/url] - by hzqr

[url=]Tag search completion[/url] - by ciccabanana [url=]ehx direct download[/url] - by consistent_chaos [url=]ehx link color[/url] - by consistent_chaos [url=]ehx torrent text[/url] - by consistent_chaos [url=]E-Hentai Automated Downloads[/url] - by hzqr (formerly tiap)


[url=]BBCode Highlight[/url] - by hzqr (formerly tiap) [url=]Improved Forum Style[/url] - by hzqr (formerly tiap) [url=]Addition to Improved Forum Style[/url] - by Lement [url=]Control panel with subscriptions and previews[/url] - by Superlatanium [url=]See the avatar and name of the recipient on sent PMs[/url] - by gianfrix94

[url=]Auto fjord changer for Vigs[/url] by [url=]Linius[/url] [url=]News page and simpler dark colours[/url] - by dragontamer8740

[size=4]Script Requests[/size]

[url=]Gallery date on thumbnails[/url] [s][url=]Unread gallery highlight[/url][/s] - complete, left here as an example request thread.

[size=4]Galleries (more-or-less) Outdated Scripts[/size]

[url=]Favourites Thumbnail View[/url] - by ctxl. Outdated by the fact that the favourites do have a thumbnail view since Galleries 0.305 [url=]Easy movement scripts[/url] - by AnonyBob. Outdated since the galleries implemented their own hotkeys. [/quote]