Talk:Gallery Tagging
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Activity, Animal, Attribute, Change, Costume, Creature, Gallery-Wide, High Presence, Location, Low Presence, Technical, Tool
General Notes
- In any cases of total gender ambiguity (no visual or contextual cues) all tagging defaults to hetero-normative. Solo participants default to female.
- If the gender cues are absent, rogue genitalia defaults to the gender said genitalia typically originates from:
- A rogue penis is assumed to belong to a male participant.
- A rogue vagina is assumed to belong to a female participant.
- All creators are to be tagged as they are credited (tag slaving aside). Colophons overrule covers.
- furry and alien are not mutually exclusive.
- Be wary of fetish overreach, particularly with alien, furry, monster, and vore:
- Creatures from pokemon, etc. are judged between animal, monster, and furry based on their level of anthropomorphization and animal attributes.
- The same as above applies to digimon (e.g. impmon is a demon, not furry).
- Vore generally only applies when entry is via the mouth; otherwise unbirth, absorption or one of the -phagia tags may be correct.
- The alien tag requires explicit visual attributes (e.g. gem characters from steven universe and saiyans from dragon ball z do not qualify).
- Clones disqualify sole tags and can qualify for selfcest.
- "Change" tags (e.g. breast expansion) do not necessitate transformation.
- Characters that share the exact same name use the same tag. The same applies to creators.
- Do not blindly trust titles, they can be misleading.
Creator Notes
- Artist tags are assigned to lineart, illustrators, inkers, pencilers, or any individuals credited as contributing to the artwork at its core. Colorists, [layout] designers, letterers, editors, authors, writers, assistants, etc. do not qualify.
- a:anonymous is only for works explicitly credited as such. For any works where no creator can be verified it is best to leave them untagged.
Parody Notes
- Parodies are generally not permitted to encompass multiple franchises at once (e.g. capcom vs. snk, disney, marvel comics, super smash brothers, type-moon, etc.). Tag each applicable franchise instead.
- Most vtubers (e.g. kizuna ai, zone-tan, etc.) and other characters such as e-celebrities, memes, and online avatars do not have corresponding parody tags unless they are under a formal commercial franchise (e.g. neurotically yours, os-tan, vocaloid).
- Most tags may apply to Non-H and non-pornographic Western or 3D works as long as they follow the presence rule.
- Attributes like big breasts and giantess can apply without nudity/sex.
- 1-image tags like lolicon can apply on implicitly sexual imagery or explicit nudity.
- Animal and most Activity tags do not apply.
- Non-pornographic content that is not directly relevant to an otherwise pornographic gallery does not receive any tags.
Canonical Information
- Any series of media that has information may use such information only for the following content/fetish tags:
- Familiar relations (incest)
- Romantic relations (e.g. cheating)
- Gender (e.g. gender change)
- Clarification on ambiguous character design (e.g. fox girl vs. wolf girl)
- Non-ambiguous cases strictly use visual cues (e.g. A character with the body of a loli does not disqualify the lolicon tag simply because the series deems them to be an adult)
Presence Notes
The presence rule is the cornerstone of tagging on E-Hentai. The paradigm being that anything tagged on a gallery is easily found and is of a satisfactory amount.
- The generic 25% rule is a baseline used for the most common gallery (a ~20 page doujinshi). It does not scale up past that point nor is it ironclad. Sequential images generally lower the burden to meet minimum presence.
- 20+ sequential pictures are generally acceptable for even the largest-sized galleries.
- The more fragmented non-sequential images are the less they count.
- Non-content images do not count toward a gallery's image count for presence purposes.
- Examples: colophons, blank pages, credits, adverts, and artist notes. These may only count if they include illustration(s). Backgrounds and menus for CG galleries do not count. Novel pages do not count unless they are essentially the only content within a gallery.
- A 4-or-less image gallery can have nearly anything within it be tagged (although this is ill advised for [Ongoing] galleries since their validity may change once more images are added).
- For anthologies or (Various) works 4+ sequential images suffices for artists who are credited.
- Whilst the incest tag is 1-image only, the accompanying family tags (e.g. mother) are not and thus do not necessarily qualify if the actual activities involving them is too low in presence.
- The same applies to all of the bestiality and animal-related tags.
- Language tags are granted some leniency due to their metadata flagging.
- Exception: Imageset-style galleries require a majority of its images (50%+) containing text in that language before qualifying.
1-Image Only Tags
- Anywhere: abortion, bestiality, blood, eye penetration, guro, incest, inseki, lolicon, scat, shotacon, snuff, toddlercon, vomit.
- Stories / Sequences Only: anal birth, burping, navel birth, nipple birth, penis birth, smegma, vaginal birth.
Fjording tags are valid on a gallery if any gallery in the chain has fjordable content.
Gallery-Wide Tags
- A list of gallery-wide tags can be found here.
- 1 image is enough to qualify or disqualify most of Gallery-Wide tags. Omake/covers/credits/colophons are ignored.
- Gallery-Wide tags that indicate the gender of the participants, for example sole female, males only, etc. allow for minimal amounts (no more than a single page) of conflicting content so long as the depicted actors are not vividly displaying sexual activity beyond nudity, and are not real or in-universe participants, e.g. being depicted in a magazine.